Casentino Valley : Among Parishes and Castles

By |2024-04-26T11:41:04+02:00December 15th, 2023|Around Us, Tourist Informations|

The Casentino Valley, located north of Arezzo, is a Tuscan treasure that combines natural wonders with villages of unparalleled beauty, surrounded by mountains and medieval castles. The Casentino Forests National Park is a worldwide attraction for its dense vegetation and the legends that populate it, such as the Badalischio and the Ghost of Telda the Warrior. Places such as Poppi, with its imposing medieval castle, Camaldoli and its hermitage, Pratovecchio and Stia with their historic ruins, and the ancient wool tradition of Soci offer a journey through history, sacred art, and architecture. Casentino also fascinates with its rich food and wine offerings, from the unique potato of Cetica to Grigio del Casentino, a breed of D.O.P. pig. Recommended by Poggio del Drago, Casentino promises a unique experience in the heart of Tuscany, combining nature, history and culinary tradition.