Santa Maria della Pieve

Arezzo: explore the city with poggio del Drago!

By |2024-05-13T14:34:40+02:00May 13th, 2024|Around Us, Tourist Informations|

Arezzo, in the heart of Tuscany, is a city with Etruscan roots and a rich history ranging from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Through a one-day itinerary, you can discover architectural wonders such as the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Donato, which houses priceless works of art such as "La Maddalena" by Piero della Francesca. The Basilica of St. Francis is famous for its frescoes of "The Legend of the True Cross," while the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art offers an artistic overview from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Significant areas also include the birthplace of Francesco Petrarca and the House Museum of Giorgio Vasari. Piazza Grande, the heart of Arezzo's social life, hosts historic events such as the Saracen Joust. Concluding with Prato Park, Arezzo offers a complete immersion in Tuscan history, art and culture.

The Church of Santa Maria della Pieve

By |2024-04-26T11:41:26+02:00July 6th, 2023|Around Us, Tourist Informations|

The Pieve di Santa Maria, located in Corso Italia in Arezzo, is an architectural jewel that marks the transition between Romanesque and Gothic, dating back to the 5th-6th centuries AD. Built where the last miracle of St. Donato is said to have occurred, it has gone through several renovations that enrich its history. B&B Poggio del Drago, near Civitella in Val di Chiana, offers an ideal starting point for exploring this and other Aretine treasures, promising a unique experience among art, history and Tuscan country life.

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