Valdarno: the ancient “Florentine lands”

By |2024-04-26T11:39:21+02:00February 5th, 2024|Around Us, Tourist Informations|

Valdarno, located between Arezzo and Florence, is an area that combines the beauty of the Pratomagno mountains with the Chianti hills, offering breathtaking views and historic villages. Among its wonders is the Castle of Sammezzano, with its unique Moorish-Eastern architecture and vast park. Vallombrosa invites relaxing exploration of its forests and is home to the Abbey of San Giovanni Gualberto. Bandella Nature Reserve is a nature lover's paradise, while San Giovanni Valdarno and Loro Ciuffenna are villages rich in history and beauty. The Borro, restored by the Ferragamo family, offers tourist excellence, and the Galatrona Tower promises unforgettable panoramic views. Montevarchi attracts for its historic center, Paleontological Museum and Museum of Sacred Art. Finally, Figline Valdarno stands out for its cultural and historical attractions. This guide is just a taste of Valdarno, inviting further exploration to discover all its riches.